Seeking First Followers

I learned that term 14 years ago, when I first watched Derek Siver’s How to Start A Movement” Ted talk:

“A First Follower is what transforms a LONE NUT into a Leader”

It has received 1.8 million views.

When I watched it, I realized that I finally had a term for a deeply frustrating phenomenon from my middle aged days. I am DEFINITELY a first follower. For much of my young adult and middle adult life, I would find see, experience, discover AMAZING things:

—common SENSE birthing practices

—barefoot boogies

—rebirthing sessions



…but I was usually about 5 to 15 years “out of synch” with actually getting those movements into more socially acceptable packaging.

What that has looked like is a pretty snarky individual, who experienced waaaaay too much eye rolling, as the events and activities about which I held such enthusiasm years earlier moved forward into more general consciousness and consumption, now called:

—hypnobirthing (all the rage)

—ecstatic dance and 5 rhythms moving meditation

—breath work practices of many kinds

— “More: Memoirs of an Open Marriage” (retching sounds)

—Earth-based spiritualities (a fast growing spiritual practice on the planet, right now:

Paganism is one of the fastest-growing religions in America. Nearly 1.5 million Americans openly claim paganism as their religion.”

Holy Moly! That’s an awful lot of first following, and it has been exhausting.

So now I’m asking for some first following of MY ideas.

My growing knowledge of How To Stay Well in a KKKulture Trying to KILL YOU is no longer a joke; especially to any person born with a womb who is paying attention to our environment.

Literal environment, as estrogen disruptors find their way into our water, food and air.

Figurative environment, as our reproductive rights are smashed under the bootheels of misogynistic men**

This time, I’m holding up the Light, and pointing a way forward. It is to prepare yourselves for times and situations where THERE IS NO DOCTOR.

As in, health care deserts.

Just like food deserts.

And that will require a Hell of a lot more knowledge about our own bodies— our minds/ our physical and emotional bodies/ our spiritual and energetic capacities— for us to survive and to thrive.

So act now. Take advantage of my stand alone health module (Bones, Ears, Eyes, and Teeth or “BEET Speak”) that I have produced! For an awesomely low price of $40 (that’s two tubmans to folks in the know), you will also access whatever 2 hour ZOOM ROOMS remain in the month of your module purchase.

Purchase the module for yourself. For a family viewing. For viewing at a tea party, with friends!

And this offer will be good through October.

Here’s the link to sign up: Dr. O’s Virtual-Apothecary

In November, I am imagining that I will have persuaded many of you to sign on for all 8 self paced learning modules. Maybe we will all go ZOOMING off into 2025 together, conspiring an entire level up on that “health edu-tainment for GIRLS” thing.

Who knows what we will want?

Who knows what we will NEED?

But I am writing this in MAY. Month of the Worker (at least, in Europe). A lusty month (at least in a European pagan leaning world view). A month we focus on mothers (for some better, and a Lot of “worse”). A month that ends with a Memorial Day.

What a month to come and play.


Sometimes the only way through is with joy and silliness.

Looking forward to the day when we get the whole audience up and dancing!


Motherhood, and race


post-ecliptic and peri-apocalyptic