post-ecliptic and peri-apocalyptic

Greetings, from the far side of That Zone Of Totality.

I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL for the blessing of having had a once in a lifetime experience, twice. I was in the Pacific Northwest for the 2017 solar eclipse, and drove into the Zone Of Totality a day ahead, for the actual event.

And this time, I knew what was coming. I savored my memories of the last eclipse and did everything within my power to enthusiastically promote that experience with my New England communities.

Near “the Zone” but not in it? GET IN YOUR CAR AND DRIVE!

That was my advice to everyone within an hour and a serious “nudge” to those within two or three hours, with resources and time.

Because, as 20 million more Americans now know, the experience is ineffable.

I’m riding the wave of that beyond words community experience of the Awe-some and The Mysterious, with a newfound commitment to promoting wellness in my women’s communities.

 So I’m posting this early April with a hope to connect with some of you all by May 1st.

Three spiritually oriented YouTube recorded adventures are linked below.

This has been the year for me to taking the reins on actively selling myself, as I deserve more resources than I currently have at my disposal.

My queendom be COMIN’:

We just went round the calendar again…

past the brides of Christ…

Beyond the red tents…

As May approaches…

and I reminisce about/as I SAVOR memories from my favorite “expand your consciousness in nature” gathering Rites of Spring  

with the (Earthspirit) community (

Open My Senses by Wendy Rule

Wendy’s song sums up the wild Spirit I felt in the women of that community, TWENTY YEARS AGO.

She is such a fucking bad ass. That Aussie got herself banned from the US one year and we could not get her here in time for our memorial day weekend event.

We can be great.

We can be creative.

And ccasionally, we get burned at the stake.

But like phoenixes, we are rising from all ashes everywhere.

Marie LaVeau song:

Dare I try three songs?

Spirit started me this a.m. with this:


May ZOOM SPACE will be a one room schoolhouse for mystical machinations around magic, sensual awakenings, and more.


Seeking First Followers


Why I Hate the Superbowl