for the nurses

I see you.

Working shifts, even when you personally feel “under the weather”. Leaning on the Ones You Can Trust and avoiding the Ones That You Can’t.

Short term.

Traveling, a lot.

Gritting your teeth and bearing it, through those 2 to 3 month lily white** travel nurse contracts, at our New England rehab centers, hospitals, and nursing homes. Good money. There are great expectations from the Corporations that you have no emotional activation over the micro-agressions, the sexist comments (that applies to all people assigned female at birth, right?), the homophobic ones.

And, you can do that, right? Just like the men who go to the fracking sites. But how are you caretaking yourselves?

A reminder: I live here. Have lived here (the upper and lower Connecticut River Valley) for close to twenty years now.

I’m a 67 year old retired family practice M.D. gone from “feral” to rogue. I’m full of tips and tools for navigating life in these environments with minimal long term damage. Having a lot of money means little, if you stroke out, fall into alcoholism, or die of a heart attack (still the number one killer of women in America)

I can help you create “protective emotional experiences” for many of our health issues:

WHO I AM (a biographic 2 minutes):


for menstrual migraines:

polycystic ovaries:

hormones and menstrual pain:

more on women's health:

Protective emotional environments. Just like those amazing protective hairstyles ya’ll arrive with.

I offer formal consults, and a first 20 minute taste is FREE:

Just complete the “connect with Dr. O” information, and away we’ll go.

P.S. I hope to see some of you at a great ongoing space of quiet and SANCTUARY, that is being launched officially on JUNETEENTH ( a Wednesday evening 5 to 7 p.m.) over at the North Branch Nature Center, in Montpelier.

Peace and Quiet and Beauty, all within 20 minutes of where you are serving Barre community.

Give yourselves a break, and a breather every now and again.

Especially SUNDAYS in June, noon to 1 p.m. at North Branch.

Dr. “0” will be sharing a medicine show, and my “Reverend Doctor.” title and life experience will lead.

Always an updated phone message, here: 413-336-1291

**(apologies, but sometimes I have to just call it as I see it; more minimally melanated allies just take a deep breath and keep reading/listening)



clowning around at the farmer’s market