clowning around at the farmer’s market

My colors are too bright.

My voice is too loud.

My skin has too much melanin (barely beyond the paper bag test, but such is Vermont).

Time to take Dr. “O” ‘s Medicine Show on the road, again.

And, I’m starting with the farmer’s markets in my community.

I was two years into a very contented early retirement, renting rooms to live at a bucolic and Bohemian community arts collective/biodynamic farm and so very excited to travel south along the mid-Atlantic states as a healing artist, spreading The Good Word. My personal best on solutions to lowering CO2 emmissions is to Educate The Girls/ Get Reproductive Rights into the hands of the folks with the wombs carrying the babies.

I will continue to refer to that community as WOMEN.

Those two solutions rank #6 and #7 on the drawdown list of the top 100 things you can do, to lower CO2 emissions.

“Who knew?” says Paul Hawkens


Well, pretty much everyone paying attention to issues of ongoing Post-colonial exploitation and patriarchy in the lands of the Global Majority (translate black, indigenous and other people of color/ Asian, Pacific Islanders, Desi)!

But here’s the Top Ten, just to review:

the top 10 solutions in order of greatest impact:

  1. Hi-tech Refrigeration

  2. Onshore Wind Power

  3. Reducing Food Waste

  4. Plant-rich diets

  5. Tropical Forest Protection



  8. Utility-scale Solar

  9. Silvopasture

  10. Rooftop Solar



My great adventures began with a writer’s retreat in Western Massachusetts, in March of 2020. I describe myself these days as “a healing artist, and an ARTIST—healing”.

And, my first stop on my trek south was to be at a Yoga studio in Philadelphia, SATURDAY, MARCH 14 2020.

Remember what happened that week?

World Health Organization announced a pandemic, wednesday March 11.

And then president/ (AGAIN, president?) Trump made his official announcement of our lockdown, from the rose garden of the white house.

In front of a line of Gotcha by the OVARIES disaster KKKapitalists, representing the Best and the Greediest of our hospital-industrial complex.

“Beware the military-industrial complex” cautioned President Dwight Eisenhower.

He had it half right. He didn’t expect conventional medicine to become a for-profit business.

I high-tailed it back home that Saturday, in 2020 presentation presented to an empty room and video-ed.

You can access it, for a price here:

And, I knew then that my personal mission would definitely intensify.

So four years later, I have adjusted my presentation style and clowning around tactics to accommodate the queasiness of a very white, very middle class (as in “we REALLY don’t see race, or class up here and why can’t you just LEAVE US ALONE?”) audience.

Like this little tibit, distilled down to the basics, from my exuberant enthusiasm over some documentable FORWARD MOVEMENT in U.S. women’s health:

The pap stuff (2 min)

The mammogram stuff ( 90 sec)

Distilled down from the best of this 90 minute Science Friday broadcast:

I’ll keep clowning…

Preaching. Teaching. EDU-TAINING.

It beats crying myself to sleep each night, in despair of the State of Our World.


for the nurses


Motherhood, and race