Moving right along…

“Thank you for applying to the Vermont Public Made Here Fund; it was a pleasure to learn about your project. Your proposal was a panel review finalist, but unfortunately was not among the few recommended for funding in this highly competitive process.

Resources this year allowed us to fund ten projects – just over 5% of the 179 applications we received.”

They said that they wanted to focus on issues connected to under-represented Vermonters. With a proposal that involved monthly explorations of issues connecting to at least ten different sub-group/communities of Vermonters, I’ll imagine that they simply were not that serious about that part. This is not a surprise, but a deep disappointment. The woman who helped me crunch numbers on the grant proposal pointed out WHO the funders were. White men. Doing the math, with over 170 requests, and them stating that they chose 10,
”able to fund only 5% of the projects”, it also makes it highly likely that proposals asked for more than a 10 way share of the money available.

Which is exactly what I did; what I asked for represented 17% of that total ($17,000), not 10% ($10,000). I understood the size of that pot.

NOT sour grapes. A meditation on where I still am, in a meritocracy that encourages competition, not cooperation. A reality check.

That is somewhat sad, but also an indication that I am beginning to TRULY follow the signs and portents, and to not try to keep swimming up river. Total Truth: I live in a very white state, that remains frightened of difference. The more melanated and more educated, the more frightening. I find myself feeling relieved–in a way– that white Vermont has rejected my support, advice and skill set. And I am not obliged to offer said talents, services and skills again.

Leaving me free to take that all ELSEWHERE.

“Elsewhere” begins with starting my subscriptions in March with a wide range for contributions. $20 to $200 a month, for the next nine months. Like birthing a baby. How we connect will be exactly the way I would have done had I been producing Dr. O’s Medicine Show 2.0”; podcasts, videos and guided visualizations,. The same; except I’m shifting to Doing It Myself and online support from subscribers. 

Plan: announcements of this stage of the scheming/dreaming on V Day 2023. At all the places that my linktree will send you to. PLUS “linked in” as I’ll be reconnecting there, for purposes of building a clientele.

May It Be So! 




Going to Church with the u.u.s (again)