Genesis health cliff notes

Episodes One and Two:

Okay ladies.

You know I like to talk story (rather than to write) but I am dictating; so it can come out as a written message.

The take-home from the cliff notes on episode 1 and episode 2 of this Genesis Healing Series package:

--a young and enthusiastic investigative journalist (Jonathan Otto) got freaked out; recognizing how badly we are abeing poisoned by the entire corporate industrialized system we've been living in.

-- specific to covid 19, there is a concern about that spike protein/mRNA vaccine delivery system 

--what we're being told about the MRA vaccines is that it's a spike protein THAT GETS INTRODUCED INTO OUR CELLS after finding a way around our immune system

-- in our cells, on plasmids, that spike protein can reproduce itself. That's how we stay protected from covid? That's the hypothesis?

(Don't ask me about boosters; I don't understand why we need so many boosters if that's the theory)

-- what these natural doctors (and doctors from allopathic medicine who have moved into the realm of natural medicine) are saying is that long covid is related to what's happening with this ongoing production of spike protein in our bodies.That our bodies cannot get rid of it.

--maybe an "OOPS" /it's probably a bio weapon

-- the fact that they think it's a bio weapon has to do with looking at issues from the 1940s right after America and the Allies liberated Buchenwald. What they found there. 

-- a second date (which is 1968; which ANYBODY in the United States would recognize is very relevant to looking at Big Powers trying to control little ordinary noisy people) had lots going on at the federal level; on losses of individual rights and medical freedom choices (a little more fuzzy on the logic of the connections). Making sure our kids got vaccines (child vaccine protection act) and our water system was under Federal control (Federal water pollution act = fluoride in the water which also introduces aluminum**)

-- they went on to say that they have identified many many papers that say that the vaccines Pfeiffer and moderna have were made using non-human animal venom. Specifically, snake and sea slug venom cited. 

--it makes perfect sense if you look at what snake venom does in our bodies to our neurologic system to our vascular system and how it can produce multiple organ failure rapidly.

--because this spike protein/ plasmid thing can get into bacteria and yeast just like it can get into our human cells, people with DIABETES will be hit much harder. They'll have many more spike proteins being manufactured in their bodies (which have yeast overgrowth) 

**Aluminum is able to cross the blood brain barrier into your brain more easily when fluoride is present )

That's a summary of information from several hours of video for episodes 1 and 2


More, after listening, every 2 days (as long as the info is a important as what I’m listening to so far). And, I’ll keep filtering through the F.E.A.R. and KKKapitalist parts, on behalf of my female BIPOC community.


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