After the flood (part 2)

This goes out, the first week of September, 2023.

Seven weeks post Vermont flooding of biblical proportions.

And three weeks post Maui; firestorm  and shock sweeping, melting away an entire community.

Can this be named “holocaust”, wordsmiths?


destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

"a nuclear holocaust"


"a sacrifice in which the offering was burned completely on an altar"

I would say that in Hawaii it is safe to say the town of Lahaina was an offering that burnt completely. With many deaths. Caused by fire.

That Vermont “flooding of biblical proportions” though? A little more complex to analyze. Because our media now use “biblical proportions” to describe unprecedented rainfall. Well actually, it WAS unprecedented rain, but my little state of Vermont experienced “The Great Flood of 1927” with significantly higher loss of lives (over 80)

This time round in 2023, only two Vermonters drowned, and one unfortunate hiker on the Appalachian Trail who was passing through our state.

I hold firm to the power of a holographic, kaleidoscopic and creative evolution of my twelve step Serenity Prayer:

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” - Angela Davis

Thank you, Dr. Davis for polishing up and expanding my options, in a world in radical evolution and chaos.

Pay attention to how we process our Climate Chaos catastrophes. Here in Vermont, we are in danger of missing the miracles, as the financial losses get tallied up.

I accept that climate change has proven to Vermont that it is REAL. And the traditional serenity prayer has gotten me through a deep dive into what I value, what I can and cannot change.

And Dr. Davis’s words inspire me to move forwards to change what I cannot accept. I cannot accept a state being unable to strategize how to house our many flood refugee neighbors before winter. I am happy to say that was listed as number one HEALTH AND WELLNESS PRIORITY post flood, in ongoing citizen-led conversations on What Comes Next for Montpelier and other flood ravaged towns.

Meanwhile, personal miracles continue to (wo)manifest in my life. I find one of the biggest challenges is how to stay connected to others who insist on commiserating. Misery is just not my thing, this time around. 

And at this particular age (the Sixth Extinction?)

And in these outrageously intense times (wildfires and flooding and HEAT —OH MY!)

If you want to deepen our connections, heart to heart let us share our stories. But no competitions on who just got slammed the hardest. These events will continue to occur, folks.

So I attempt to connect here. Through the written word is not currently my favorite medium.

And through formally reading these words, into a recorded podcast, to be listened to by folks who value a different level of intensity and connection:

(6 min same as essay; but with SINGING!)

And perhaps a third option, for that screen-led ever evolving generation consuming video– A.I.gadgetry and all– at an astonishing rate…check talk at TikTok:


DoT’s Place


The Flood: Observations from an Outsider